Wednesday, 24 February 2016

life is So Dangerously exciting and risky!

In a flick of second Your Life which was normal, satisfying and tremendously regular, When you Say to Yourself 'So, at last everything is settle, now nothing's gonna change', the playful notorious life can paint itself with so abnormal, unrecognizable and extraordinary colors... that you can do nothing but to admire it and wonder about it!

That Is the Beauty of life...
The life Is defined by its uncertainty,
That's why we love living, its so highly risky and difficult...
we actually like difficult thing, things that challenges us... After all they are one which tells us what all are we capable of.... Or How would We ever Know?  

we run from difficulties ... Never understanding that we all love them.
Or why would we fear dying... dying is boring,
its the damn easiest thing in the world!!

People just don't know themselves!!


  1. Nice thoughts Roshani! keep writing.
    Smiles and Hugs.

  2. I agree ! people don't know themselves or moreover they don't want to.. everyone is so busy in that rat race that it seems impossible to have time for oneself.

    1. I totally agree! People just don't think.. Or may be don't know to think.. N still they don't lewrn to! I don't know why?
